Here Are Few Tipsps For Developing Your Skills:
The key to living your fullest potential is developing your skills. You will solely live your fullest potential if you usually develop your skills so that you can give better and better value over time.
Here Are Few Tipsps For Developing Your Skills:
Here are five tips for developing your skills:
The key to living your fullest potential is developing your skills. You will solely live your fullest potential if you usually develop your skills so that you can give better and better value over time.
Here are five tips for developing your skills:
1. Be curious: Curiosity is most importantimportant because it makes the process of developing skills much more pleasurable and enjoyable .
2. Develop your learning skill: Learning skill should be the primary skill you develop as a result off it greatly helps you develop different skills.
3. Be a versatilist: A versatilist is something who will easily adapt to new situations and quickly develop the skills.
4. Know your role models: It will be easier for you to grow if you have concrete examples of what you want to be.
5. Get feedback through real projects : The most effective way to develop your skills is through real projects. Why? Because real projects give you the much required feedback to develop your skills.
Another way to develop your skills You can join the training institute which they provide you with the training and give real time project to you for developing skills.
There are certain steps to polish yourself by becoming stronger in skills.
Practice – As we know that Practice makes a man perfect. Keep on practicing things. It might be done by a project or practice like any other habit. Just be consistence and focused.
Feedback – Work on something and then analyse the attempt and finally take another attempt, then analyse and so on. It’s a loop to become better at something.
Have patience, be persistent and focus on the skill, step by step and you will succeed.
When I observe my son and his friends, it saddens me that they are not only losing many skills but are totally clueless to the importance of those skills:
People skills: Many of the young people are totally clueless about social etiquette and interactions.. They avoid talking to strangers in real life while making much more stranger people friends on Facebook and other social media. Even with friends they find it much more comfortable to text than a face to face conversation.
Entertainment skill: The earlier generations were capable of entertaining oneself without relying on any external object. Staging spontaneous plays, singing and dancing just for fun-all seem to have faded away. Now those who dance cant dance unless the appropriate music is played and so on..
Writing skill: The writing skills have gone out of fashion. The handwriting is becoming clumsier and they appear to be incapable of much original thought. Even for a small essay they cant help first using google to find quick answers.
Survival skills: Surviving among people not like them is something they found very difficult. The words adjusting, accommodating and adapting appear to them alien concepts. They want to remain surrounded and interact with only people like themselves. The tolerance level has also gone down.
Repair skills: They tend to adopt the philosophy of use and throw. Things can be and shall be mended-this concept is alien to them.
However, if I think over probably my grandparents would also have thought the same about my parents , and my parents may have thought this about me and my friends.
So time changes. They have skills that we didn’t have, so obviously they are discarding the ones that earlier generation holds dear.
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Most of the people think that speaking is just a medium to convey your thoughts. Yeah it’s true but if you have got some expertise in how to talk with people it gives you an upper edge.
Many bright students while giving interviews or presentations are not able to deliver the quality due to lack of good communication skills. They work hard on their technical skills but not on communication skills which directly or indirectly contributes to their success.
One of the most dominating reason for break-up is lack of proper communication. You want to say something else and you end up with misery.
Sometimes you misfit in different social groups because you are not able to deliver your thought in an effective way. You get baffled or end up with stammering voice. These things will always get your morale down.
So why this is happening?
Fear of speaking in front of many people.
Speak out loud in an empty room. Think that there are many people and talk with them. Later go out meet your friends and talk. May be on politics or science or any other topic. Encounter your fear. In no time your fear will vanish.
May be your mother tongue is different from the one you want to communicate with. See frankly speaking it will take time. Your jaws are not adapted with new language so give time. Read out loud in your room. Try to speak in that language maximum time. That’s the only way to get excel in adaption of new language.
It creates a huge impact on listeners. People have misconception that voice is a gift. Yeah it’s true but I am not asking you to sing. You can improve your voice by doing some vocal exercises like chanting OHM 10 times a day. It will give good base to your voice and you will definitely see some good change after some weeks of practice. This will boost your confidence like anything. Imagine if someone appreciates your voice and way of speaking, it gives you utter confidence to talk more and more.
Lets say your friends are discussing something and you are miles apart from that topic, you will be odd man out in the group. I am not saying you should know every damn thing but at least the current affairs, some fundamental things you should be aware of. In this matter you have to develop a reading habit. Newspaper, Quora, novels, books, etc will help you out.
The things that set apart humans from other living species is that we have ability to think and communicate(gossip) in very effective way.
So never underestimate the power of good communication skills. It is one of the most valuable skill one should have to get success in all spheres of life.
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