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Free Job Alert-Here you can get different job alert

 hese sites are not government websites instead these all are personal blogs that make you aware of latest and hot govt job vacancies in India. So have a look on these top 8 sites to search for sakari naukari in India.

Free Job Alert-Here you can get different job alert by visiting this web link. It is also an Indian website divided in different categories to find jobs. There are various categories like State govt jobs, Bank jobs, IT jobs, Railway jobs etc.

Sarkari Naukri Blog-Sarkari Naukri Blog is a fantastic website to find latest and hot govt jobs in India. It looks in a roughly manner but contains useful and valuable content of your purpose. So, I hope you’ll like this sarkari naukri blog.

Employment News-Employment news is an another government job news website to make you aware of latest govt job vacancies. You will find all Indian vacancies at Employment news. It is very old site launched in late 1976.

Govt Jobs-It is an India website to find different govt jobs of India. You can search jobs by selecting your appropriate field in this website. Some of the fields are PSU jobs, State govt jobs, Bank jobs etc.

Naukri.Com-It is just like a search engine for all types of job vacancies. Here you can find different types of jobs by selecting your location and job category etc. You can register this site to get latest job news.

Recruitment Carrier-Recruitment Carrier is a blogger blog but now taken it’s own domain name. It is good site to search govt jobs and many competition exam results.

Sarkari-Naukri-It is a great website to search for govt jobs in India. You can also find latest jobs by affiliate companies. It is a big portal of Indian job news, so you can use this site by selecting your appropriate city and language.

Indian Govt Jobs-Indian Govt Jobs is an Indian website. You can find latest govt jobs for Indians on this site. Here is also different categories are divided to make your work easy to find current jobs in different fields. Some of the categories are Army, Indian Railway etc.

There are currently thousands of portals in India that provide govt job notifications to their readers. Only a few of them are 10 years old otherwise mostly are just 2–3 yrs old.

Well, there are many sites that come in the category of best govt job portals. The reason is that each of the best sites are popular in a specific category while there is no such site which all and out number #1.

Though, Freejobalert is such a site that publishes almost every recruitment first of all of them. In that sense it is quite ahead of all the other government job sites in India.

But, there are some sites which updates govt jobs as per state. And, Top Govt Jobs Site for Latest Recruitment 2019 is such a site which is best for state wise govt vacancy in India. You can even search Railway Jobs

You can search govt jobs in India according to your state:

Andaman & Nicobar State Govt Jobs

Andhra Pradesh State Govt Jobs

Arunachal Pradesh State Govt Jobs

Assam State Govt Jobs

Bihar State Govt Jobs

Chandigarh Govt Jobs

Chhattisgarh State Govt Jobs

Dadra & Nagar Haweli Govt Jobs

Daman & Diu Govt Jobs

Delhi NCR State Govt Jobs

Goa State Govt Jobs

Gujarat State Govt Jobs

Haryana State Govt Jobs

Himachal Pradesh State Govt Jobs

Jammu Kashmir State Govt Jobs

Jharkhand State Govt Jobs

Karnataka State Govt Jobs

Kerala State Govt Jobs

Lakshadweep Govt Jobs

Madhya Pradesh State Govt Jobs

Maharashtra State Govt Jobs

Manipur State Govt Jobs

Meghalaya State Govt Jobs

Mizoram State Govt Jobs

Nagaland State Govt Jobs

Odisha State Govt Jobs

Puducherry Govt Jobs

Punjab State Govt Jobs

Rajasthan State Govt Jobs

Sikkim State Govt Jobs

Tamilnadu State Govt Jobs

Telangana State Govt Jobs

Tripura State Govt Jobs

Uttar Pradesh State Govt Jobs

Uttarakhand State Govt Jobs

West Bengal State Govt Jobs

There are lots of Indian govt job notification websites available, and on google search you may find new one periodically. I know there is not any centralized government jobs portal by Indian government yet, if they provide it, it will be very helpful for people.

However there are many websites who gives such information. How they gather this information, i don’t know, probably they track each government department website each day. I will suggest some based on their popularity:

Jagran Josh:

This is the top most job notification site. This is part of Dainik Jagran news paper, so it’s clear that they have all resources to get latest news and provide it to people. Apart from notification, they provide stuffs on learning strategy, new carrier path and new opportunities in various fields, including private sector jobs.

This is also one of the leading site which gives latest Indian Government jobs notification. They provide the job details, type of job, procedure for getting that job, if it’s competitive exam and exam details like date, admit card etc.

This is very similar to, it also gives information related to govt exams and procedure for these exams. They have categorized the site based on each state and there they show job notification for respective state.

This is similar website as previous two, although it also list other services like Pan card tracking, which is not related to government exams. I heard some people saying that it is official government site, but no, It’s not Indian Government official site.

There are many more, and it could be that in coming days any new site comes which beats these sites. Always hope for new things. For me Jagran Josh is the best, followed by same order.

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